Prof. Dr. Frank-Michael Matysik
Dr. Rudolf Hutterer
Dr. Nongnoot Wongkaew
Central Radionuclide Laboratory & Laboratory of Environment Radioactivity
The Wegener lab has developed a cell-based assay to test pesticides for their harmful impact on insects. Please read the UR science blog for more.
Sandra Friedrich wins the BioPark Innovationspreis 2024 for her Master thesis on the development of a cell-based assay to identify insect-friendly pesticides. She proudly received the prize from Dr. Diefenthal, CEO of the BioPark GmbH.
Sandra Friedrich und Christine Drießlein are this year's awardees of the "Studienpreis Alfons Paulus" and "Studienpreis der Fachgruppe Analytische Chemie der GDCh" for their outstanding master projects. Congratulations to both of you.
Tobias Naber won the award for the best oral presentation. Well done, Tobi. Photo: Tobi at work.
Sandra Friedrich uses insect cells as sensors to identify and judge the insecticidal activity of pesticides. This project is part of the Fraunhofer Initiative "Biogene Wertschöpfung und Smart Farming".
Neue Leiterin des Potsdamer Institutsteils des Fraunhofer-Instituts für Zelltherapie und Immunologie
July 1st, 2023 Antje J. Baeumner becomes Chair Editor of Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (Springer Nature), ABC.
John Galligan & Barbara Grotz, University of Regensburg
NIR-excitable Upconversion Probes: Challenges for Bioanalytical Applications
received a Poster Prize at the European Meeting on Complement in Human Disease 2022 which took place in Bern, Switzerland (26.-29.08.2022). Out of 220 posters the best 14 received a prize.
Sie nutzen Biomoleküle & ermöglichen Analysen von Biosystemen
received a Poster Prize at the 3rd European Biosensor Symposium which took place digitally (organized by Prof. Fred Lisdat, TH Wildau) last week (09.-12.03.202). Out of the 116 posters the best 6 received a prize.
an annual celebration of the world’s most influential analytical scientists.
Forschungsprojekt zur Entwicklung von Schnelltests wird mit einer halben Million Euro gefördert
received a poster award ‘Sensor 100 trophy’ at the Sensors in Medicine 2020 conference (October 20-23, 2020). The title of her poster was ‘Silver Nanoparticles Provide New Options for Sensitive Point-of-Care Sensors’
Fraunhofer Research Institution for Microsystems and Solid State Technologies Division Cell-Based Sensors (CBS) CBS makes use of microelectronic/microoptiocal systems to measure the response of living cells to various xenobiotics.
Universität Regensburg beteiligt an EU-gefördertem Projekt zur Erforschung des Immunsystems und der Entwicklung von Biosensoren
August 6st and September 30th, 2020
Universität Regensburg und Monash University in Australien werden Partner
Cationic liposomes are shown that can be used as universal label in bioassays. Through encapsulation of large number of fluorescent of chemiluminescent markers, their signal enhancement capability was demonstrated as secondary label in high-throughput bioassays and as generic label for bacteria cells.
The new BAR volume summarizes the most recent approaches in label-free monitoring of cells in vitro. The book has been dedicated to Nobel Laureate Ivar Giaever on the occasion of his 90th birthday.
UR is the only university in Bavaria to offer a BSc/MSc study program in Business Chemistry. For more information, click HERE.
The Fraunhofer division Cell-Based Sensors, affiliated with the Institute for Analytical Chemistry, is part of the newly granted Collaborative Research Center TR305. In cooperation with Fraunhofer IME and ITEM, the group will develop new assay formats and readouts for targeting metastatic progression.
The Fraunhofer division Cell-Based Sensors in cooperation with the lab of Prof. Ralf Wagner (UR) is currently developing a new readout technology to monitor virus neutralization assays for SARS-CoV2. The latter are used to evaluate the effectiveness of vaccines. The project is funded by the Fraunhofer Society and combines biological amplification strategies with microelectronics.
Nicole Guber - 13.01.2025 13:26