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  1. Fakultät für Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin
  2. Faculty Research

Lehrstuhl für Humananatomie und Embryologie





Lehrstuhl für Humananatomie und Embryologie


Gruppenbild Lstamm 06okt2009

Institut für Anatomie der Universität Regensburg

Lehrstuhl für Humananatomie und Embryologie

Human Anatomy and Embryology
The Tamm Laboratory

The research at the Laboratory for Human Anatomy and Embryology (LAE) focuses on the molecular characterization of homeostatic systems in the mammalian eye, which are critically required for survival of retinal neurons and for visual function. Primary research interests include the regulatory processes of aqueous humor circulation, intraocular pressure maintenance and ocular angiogenesis.

Molecular control mechanisms of the processes are studied in the normal eye, during embryonic development and under pathological conditions such as primary open-angle glaucoma, retinopathy of prematuorum, or retinal degeneration. In a parallel project, the LAE studies the role of olfactomedin proteins for podocytes in the glomerulus of the kidney.

The primary methodological approach is the generation of genetically modified animal models and the subsequent characterization of their phenotype. In addition, cell biological aspects are investigated by studying gene expression and its control in cell culture models and/or by generating recombinant proteins.

The Tamm Laboratory moved 2004 from the Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nuremberg to the University of Regensburg. Teaching responsibilities of the LAE include the organization of the lectures and practical classes in gross anatomy for students of medicine and dentistry at the University of Regensburg. Workshops covering specific aspects of gross anatomy are organized for physicians and physiotherapists. In addition, the LAE organizes internships and practical classes in cell biology and neurobiology for students of biology, biochemistry, and neurosciences at the University of Regensburg, and supervises diploma and master theses.

  1. Fakultät für Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin
  2. Faculty Research

Lehrstuhl für Humananatomie und Embryologie

