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Sports at Universität Regensburg


Detailaufnahme des Sportzentrums


Sports at Universität Regensburg

Teaching, research and sports classes make up the wide range of possibilities for sports-related study at the university. The programmes fall into distinct areas that are, however, closely connected:

The Sports Centre

SportzentrumThe Sports Centre is responsible for the general university sports.

Homepage of Sports Centre (German version only)

The Institute of Sports Science

InstitutThe institute, which belongs to the Faculty of Human Sciences, is responsible for the teacher training course in physical education as well as for the Bachelor's degree and the Master's degree and does research on sports science topics.

Institute of Sports Science Homepage (German version only)

University Sports

Hochschulsport Rgb MittelAll students and university staff are welcome to participate in the various activities that University Sports offer. Beginners and advanced participants in recreational sports can choose from a variety of courses ranging from Adventure Racing to Yoga.

University Sports Homepage

Test of Athletic Ability of the Bavarian Universities

EignungImportant notice for all those thinking of applying: The Bavarian universities have put together all necessary information on the tests of athletic ability in a special portal for you. You can only register for the test online via that portal.

BaySPET Portal (German version only)

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Sports at Universität Regensburg


Detailaufnahme des Sportzentrums